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SELECT any_value(cp.value) as products_name, r.review_id, left(rd.detail, 1000) as reviews_text, any_value(rating.percent) as percent, any_value(rating.value) as reviews_rating, r.created_at as date_added, any_value(rd.nickname) as customers_name, r.entity_pk_value as products_id, any_value(rd.title) as title, GROUP_CONCAT(i.path) imgs FROM `wal_review` r, wal_review_detail rd, wal_rating_option_vote rating, wal_catalog_product_entity_varchar cp, wal_amasty_advanced_review_images i WHERE r.`review_id` = i.`review_id` and r.`review_id` = rd.`review_id` and r.`review_id` = rating.`review_id` and r.`entity_pk_value` = cp.entity_id and cp.attribute_id = 73 and i.path != '' and i.path not like 'video_youtube_' and r.status_id = '1' GROUP BY r.`review_id`,rd.detail order by r.created_at desc limit 1600,200
Displaying 1601 to 1800 (of 2075 reviews)

Displaying 1601 to 1800 (of 2075 reviews)